Sunday, 15 September 2013

The List - Number 2

So I can finally tick off number 2 on the single girl's to do list as last Saturday I got a new tattoo!

I went to a new studio on Whitchurch Road in Cardiff called "Two Heart Tattoo Studio" and I received the best service from the owners Katan and Gareth, so much so that I will definitely be going back for my next one. They kept the studio open late for my initial consultation and again so I could view the design and they made me feel welcome right from the start. So here it is, my latest work of art:

The basis of this tattoo is designed around the All American Rejects lyrics "one boy, one girl, two hearts, their world". I have loved these lyrics for as long as I can remember and I wanted to somehow incorporate them into a tattoo. My original idea was a stick boy and girl with a heart on each of their chests and holding a world. When I explained this idea to Katan, she took it on board and said she would draw it up for me, but offered a suggestion of something slightly different. I was reluctant at first, but when I went to view both designs, her design won me over instantly, and there was no doubt in my mind which design I would be getting. And so the above tattoo was born!

Out of the 4 tattoos I have had, this one has healed the nicest and hurt the least. I didn't use numbing cream because it would blur the stencil, so I was literally bricking it, but I can honestly say it doesn't hurt! My wrist to date hurt the most and it is the smallest design.

I will definitely be going back to Two Hearts Tattoo Studio and if you are looking for a tattooist I urge you to take them into consideration: https: //

So the list as it stands now:

                                                   1. Transformation/ make-over
                                                   2. New Tattoo
                                                   3. Move Out
                                                   4. Do something that scares me
                                                   5. Lose Weight
                                                   6. Travel somewhere
                                                   7. Visit my half-sister
                                                   8. Write 2 closure letters to the ex's who hurt me the most
                                                   9. Make something
                                                  10. (not yet thought of)

Here's to crossing the next one out!

Peace out
Random Quirky Girl x

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