Wednesday, 2 May 2012

When I grow up, I want to be...

From a young age we are told we can achieve anything we set our minds to. Whether it is to become the next great football sensation for Chelsea, (I have to use this team or my brother would disown me, other teams are available) or a famous actress, constantly demanding the lime light and dating the most eligible bachelors, we are lead to believe that if we want it enough, then it will happen.

The first thing I ever wanted to be career-wise was a ballet dancer. I started from the age of either 2 and a half or 3 years old (it was a while ago, so my memory isn't what it used to be) and I thought this was the most magical career choice ever, as it all seemed so glamorous. All the older dancers at the first ballet school I attended, always seemed to look so elegant in their colourful leotards and floaty wraps, with their hair slicked into a bun, ready to hit the stage and mesmerise the audience without uttering one word. Just magical! My sister, Barbie (so called as she spends ages fake tanning and playing with her hair, which does always look amazing, but don't tell her I said that as I'll deny it), her first work aspiration was to be a dancing Crocodile! From a young age we were a family with realistic expectations, as you can tell!

Due to the fickleness of youth, my dreams of becoming the next Darcey Bussell was soon surpassed by my next dream of being a vet. However, when reality struck me that it wasn't as glamorous as Rolf Harris made out on Animal Hospital and that I would potentially have to put down cute kittens, it put me right off becoming a vet for life! Then I got bitten by the actress bug! I'm sure most girls and guys have gone through this stage at some point in their lives. I got the lead in our primary school show, and again in year 8 of secondary school and then I quit! I decided it was best to quit at the peak of my acting career, than risk being demoted to the crapper parts again. This was not met well by my drama/ choir teacher and I don't think to this day she has properly spoken to me since. I had a brief fling with the idea of becoming a fashion designer around this age, but my issue here was that I can't actually draw! Even my stick men suffer from extremely long necks and stubby arms, and my stick women have triangular fat bodies and no necks. So as you could imagine my sketched designs didn't actually resemble anything workable to be called fashion, unless you can work out how to make scribbles and blobs into fashion... maybe I missed my calling here? As a result, this dream was over before it even began. Finally, at the age of 13, I settled on becoming a kick ass Barrister. Well someone had to :p However, that year in school we sat a career test to determine what jobs we were best suited to and apparently I should have pursued a career as a hat maker or a window dresser! The results were varied between my fellow classmates and it appeared that the test still had the 1950's ideals that women had menial jobs, so that they could be the perfect wives, mothers and housewives, whilst the men remained the dominant breadwinners. This only made me more determined to compete for a career in a still rather male dominated role. So Barrister it was. I am naturally argumentative, or always right (as I like to think), so I thought what better career but to be paid to always be right.

So I got my GCSE's in order to go on to A Level in school, and then applied to 5 Unis to study Law and Criminology. On results day, I got up uber early to check the UCAS online page and found that I had gotten a place at Cardiff University to study Law and Criminology LLB. I didn't actually care about my grades as I had gotten into my first choice university. But four years later, (I may have partied a little too hard first year and had to resit my first year, well contract and tort law modules again. Or as I look at it I just loved the law soooo much first year,that I studied it for an extra year. Yeah no one else fell for that bullshit excuse either.

And then what... I finished uni and find out I actually hated law. Like passionately. Plus with this media sensationalised recession that has still got its hands firmly round the throat of Britain, the call for Barristers has decreased dramatically and so I decided that weighing up the financial costs, it wasn't actually a financially sound option. So I took a year out to help my Mum open a traditional sweet shop in Chepstow Town - Sherbet and Lemon - Check it out as it is awesome! I am now coming to the end of my year of discovery and all I have discovered is I am no closer now, than I was at 12, to deciding what I want to do when I grow up. I've been knocking around with the idea of getting into journalism, with a focus on music and the arts and which probably encouraged me to start this whole blogging malarkey, (so... sorry about that), or something to do within the music industry (but not performing as people would want their money back if they had to endure me singing). But for now, I'm just coasting through life taking each day as it comes. Hopefully by the end of the one year career sabbatical, I will have some idea what direction my life is going in... So let's just watch this space I suppose, unless anyone wants to offer me a super cool job? Yeah, I thought not...

Peace Out
Random Quirky Girl x

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