Tuesday, 13 November 2012

You're so spexy....

... So recently I have started to notice that I am becoming more and more attracted to guys who wear glasses. There is no pattern to what the guy physically looks like, but the addition of glasses seems to get the blood pumping and the heart racing more than it used to. I first noticed this strange new attraction when I went to see the new Bond film - Sky Fall, with Larry. The actor who plays Q (Ben Whishaw) is not your typical heart throb, but I couldn't help but drool when he appeared on screen. Larry couldn't resist mocking me for my sudden lust for this man and claimed that the only reason I fancied him was because he wore glasses. LIES I announced! I fancy him because he is a hottie. So... when I got home I proceeded to do a very teenage girl thing and google imaged the actor to see more pictures of him in his sexy specs and to prove to Larry that he was wrong. Unfortunately, it seems he isn't a speccy in real life and my instant attraction to him faded very fast. It was the loss of the spectacles that lost this lady her lust and annoyingly proved Larry right. Yes Larry, I am admitting you were right, so print this off and frame it, as I will never admit it again.

Then last night I was having a girly catch up at Miss Koko's house and I told her the premise of my latest blog. To my surprise she said she agreed with me, (which is really shocking as most the time we don't agree on things when it comes to men.) She agreed that the addition of glasses on a man suddenly made him even hotter. She told me that her boyfriend doesn't like wearing his glasses, so sticks to his contact lenses when out and about, but she thinks that when he wears his glasses it makes him look super sexy as he looks really intelligent and smart in them. Hurrah! I am not alone in this speccy loving. I then told her how I felt the same about BeB. On our last date he changed from his contact lenses into his glasses to drive me home and although I find him attractive without his glasses on, when he put them on it was like a chorus of angels started singing and here was this even hotter guy standing before me. So naturally, we then got chatting about famous people in glasses and the first person we both said was Superman. As Clark Kent he is so much hotter, than when he is saving the world as Superman and the only difference, (apart from the spandex and cape) is the loss of his glasses. See...

(I reserve no rights to the copyright of these photos)
Ok, so technically I could have found a picture of Dean Cain with his top on wearing glasses, but where would the fun be in that? He was probably the first bespectacled guy that most girls thought was worthy of being a poster on their bedroom walls or the beginning of a school girl crush at tea times, (as that is when I remember watching Superman on BBC 2 whilst eating dinner).

So after another google search (god bless google), it seems that glasses on men are becoming quite the fashion accessory. Images of Johnny Depp, Justin Timberlake and Brad Pitt, but to name a few, all popped up wearing glasses and looking H.O.T. However, images of George Bush, Heston Blumenthal and Kanye West also popped up with their glasses on and my theory failed. I was not attracted to them at all. In fact it grossed me out a bit and seemed to burst the glasses loving bubble momentarily. I reasoned that maybe it is due to the fact that I am not attracted to them without glasses on, so the addition of glasses did nothing for me, but whatever it was my feet stayed firmly on the ground. However, Women too seem to be wearing glasses more and more. Gone is the stereotyping of glasses as being geeky and a massive NO NO and enter the age where geek chic is in and even public "icons" (can't say she is one of mine), like Victoria Beckham are embracing the specs and even designing their own ranges. So it got me thinking about whether the reverse is true? Put a girl in a pair of glasses and does she become hotter? Instantly, the stereotypical slutty School Girl or Librarian look came to mind, where the women seductively perch the glasses on the end of their nose and maybe bites her lip and this seems to send men crazy. However, in reality, I am not sure the same can be said. Thinking of how I look in my glasses, I would say that it is not the hottest look. Whether I am in my massive geek chic glasses or my sensible "smarter" glasses, I think I just look the same but with less of a squint due to actually being able to see. I suppose it depends on the woman wearing the glasses as to whether she becomes hotter or not.

Now those sad people (like myself), who love watching the X Factor will have noticed that when it comes to the make overs before the live shows, glasses never appear on a contestant. For example, James Arthur this year entered the competition with some amazing overly large glasses, but cut to the live shows and they have never appeared on stage. Even Gary Barlow pointed out that he seemed to have lost a little of his identity due to the make over process. I can't say I fancy James Arthur as he reminds me of my brother, but he certainly looks better with his glasses on as it completes his quirkier look, so long live the glasses I say!!!!!

Now, I am sure I am not alone in this love of a bespectacled men and I am certainly going to embrace the four eyed look (being a glasses wearer myself I can say that without it being an insult). But how many of you out there are secret speccy lovers? I think it is time to speak out and be proud of this slightly quirky love! so shout it from the rooftops! I LIKE MEN WHO WEAR GLASSES! See doesn't it feel better admitting it out loud?

Peace Out
Random Quirky Girl x

Saturday, 3 November 2012

Introducing Millie Rose

So, last Sunday I finally won the war with the Mother and got to finally finish the transformation into a crazy cat lady by becoming a Mum to a 7 week old Kitten. I already had the rocking chair and I can knit a basic stitch, but all that was missing was the kitty.

Now anyone who follows me on Twitter (@rndmquirkygirl) is probably sick to death of hearing about Millie. From the moment I knew I was getting her, pictures have been tweeted and status updates have spammed  everyone's news feeds. I promise that once the novelty has worn off, so will the over-tweeting. But in her defence she is freaking cute. She is a little shit when hyper or attacking myself or the laptop, but when all sleepy and cwtchy, she is the cutest kitten ever. (I know I am bias, but when you see her pics you will agree too. She has even won people over who are more dog people than cat people).

So... here is Millie Rose

She can be very timid when she wants to be, but a nightmare when hyper. Although at night she properly snuggles up to you... until she wants to play and then there is no rest for the wicked. I feel like a zombie due to the lack of sleep when she wakes at 5am and wants to attack everything. By 6am she falls back to sleep, whilst I am wide awake. It is what I imagine having to do night feeds for new borns is like. We also have a 7 year old cat Poppy, who is finding it hard to adjust with the menace that is Millie. I could watch the two of them interact for hours, as it is very amusing watching a tiny kitten try and attack a grown female cat. Over time I am sure they will be fine together, but right now there is still a little tension between them.

Right I have to cut this blog short as Millie has just woken up and decided to attack my dress and the laptop as she is not getting my full attention. I predict she is going to be a little diva cat!!!

Peace out
Random Quirky Girl x