Tuesday, 13 November 2012

You're so spexy....

... So recently I have started to notice that I am becoming more and more attracted to guys who wear glasses. There is no pattern to what the guy physically looks like, but the addition of glasses seems to get the blood pumping and the heart racing more than it used to. I first noticed this strange new attraction when I went to see the new Bond film - Sky Fall, with Larry. The actor who plays Q (Ben Whishaw) is not your typical heart throb, but I couldn't help but drool when he appeared on screen. Larry couldn't resist mocking me for my sudden lust for this man and claimed that the only reason I fancied him was because he wore glasses. LIES I announced! I fancy him because he is a hottie. So... when I got home I proceeded to do a very teenage girl thing and google imaged the actor to see more pictures of him in his sexy specs and to prove to Larry that he was wrong. Unfortunately, it seems he isn't a speccy in real life and my instant attraction to him faded very fast. It was the loss of the spectacles that lost this lady her lust and annoyingly proved Larry right. Yes Larry, I am admitting you were right, so print this off and frame it, as I will never admit it again.

Then last night I was having a girly catch up at Miss Koko's house and I told her the premise of my latest blog. To my surprise she said she agreed with me, (which is really shocking as most the time we don't agree on things when it comes to men.) She agreed that the addition of glasses on a man suddenly made him even hotter. She told me that her boyfriend doesn't like wearing his glasses, so sticks to his contact lenses when out and about, but she thinks that when he wears his glasses it makes him look super sexy as he looks really intelligent and smart in them. Hurrah! I am not alone in this speccy loving. I then told her how I felt the same about BeB. On our last date he changed from his contact lenses into his glasses to drive me home and although I find him attractive without his glasses on, when he put them on it was like a chorus of angels started singing and here was this even hotter guy standing before me. So naturally, we then got chatting about famous people in glasses and the first person we both said was Superman. As Clark Kent he is so much hotter, than when he is saving the world as Superman and the only difference, (apart from the spandex and cape) is the loss of his glasses. See...

(I reserve no rights to the copyright of these photos)
Ok, so technically I could have found a picture of Dean Cain with his top on wearing glasses, but where would the fun be in that? He was probably the first bespectacled guy that most girls thought was worthy of being a poster on their bedroom walls or the beginning of a school girl crush at tea times, (as that is when I remember watching Superman on BBC 2 whilst eating dinner).

So after another google search (god bless google), it seems that glasses on men are becoming quite the fashion accessory. Images of Johnny Depp, Justin Timberlake and Brad Pitt, but to name a few, all popped up wearing glasses and looking H.O.T. However, images of George Bush, Heston Blumenthal and Kanye West also popped up with their glasses on and my theory failed. I was not attracted to them at all. In fact it grossed me out a bit and seemed to burst the glasses loving bubble momentarily. I reasoned that maybe it is due to the fact that I am not attracted to them without glasses on, so the addition of glasses did nothing for me, but whatever it was my feet stayed firmly on the ground. However, Women too seem to be wearing glasses more and more. Gone is the stereotyping of glasses as being geeky and a massive NO NO and enter the age where geek chic is in and even public "icons" (can't say she is one of mine), like Victoria Beckham are embracing the specs and even designing their own ranges. So it got me thinking about whether the reverse is true? Put a girl in a pair of glasses and does she become hotter? Instantly, the stereotypical slutty School Girl or Librarian look came to mind, where the women seductively perch the glasses on the end of their nose and maybe bites her lip and this seems to send men crazy. However, in reality, I am not sure the same can be said. Thinking of how I look in my glasses, I would say that it is not the hottest look. Whether I am in my massive geek chic glasses or my sensible "smarter" glasses, I think I just look the same but with less of a squint due to actually being able to see. I suppose it depends on the woman wearing the glasses as to whether she becomes hotter or not.

Now those sad people (like myself), who love watching the X Factor will have noticed that when it comes to the make overs before the live shows, glasses never appear on a contestant. For example, James Arthur this year entered the competition with some amazing overly large glasses, but cut to the live shows and they have never appeared on stage. Even Gary Barlow pointed out that he seemed to have lost a little of his identity due to the make over process. I can't say I fancy James Arthur as he reminds me of my brother, but he certainly looks better with his glasses on as it completes his quirkier look, so long live the glasses I say!!!!!

Now, I am sure I am not alone in this love of a bespectacled men and I am certainly going to embrace the four eyed look (being a glasses wearer myself I can say that without it being an insult). But how many of you out there are secret speccy lovers? I think it is time to speak out and be proud of this slightly quirky love! so shout it from the rooftops! I LIKE MEN WHO WEAR GLASSES! See doesn't it feel better admitting it out loud?

Peace Out
Random Quirky Girl x

Saturday, 3 November 2012

Introducing Millie Rose

So, last Sunday I finally won the war with the Mother and got to finally finish the transformation into a crazy cat lady by becoming a Mum to a 7 week old Kitten. I already had the rocking chair and I can knit a basic stitch, but all that was missing was the kitty.

Now anyone who follows me on Twitter (@rndmquirkygirl) is probably sick to death of hearing about Millie. From the moment I knew I was getting her, pictures have been tweeted and status updates have spammed  everyone's news feeds. I promise that once the novelty has worn off, so will the over-tweeting. But in her defence she is freaking cute. She is a little shit when hyper or attacking myself or the laptop, but when all sleepy and cwtchy, she is the cutest kitten ever. (I know I am bias, but when you see her pics you will agree too. She has even won people over who are more dog people than cat people).

So... here is Millie Rose

She can be very timid when she wants to be, but a nightmare when hyper. Although at night she properly snuggles up to you... until she wants to play and then there is no rest for the wicked. I feel like a zombie due to the lack of sleep when she wakes at 5am and wants to attack everything. By 6am she falls back to sleep, whilst I am wide awake. It is what I imagine having to do night feeds for new borns is like. We also have a 7 year old cat Poppy, who is finding it hard to adjust with the menace that is Millie. I could watch the two of them interact for hours, as it is very amusing watching a tiny kitten try and attack a grown female cat. Over time I am sure they will be fine together, but right now there is still a little tension between them.

Right I have to cut this blog short as Millie has just woken up and decided to attack my dress and the laptop as she is not getting my full attention. I predict she is going to be a little diva cat!!!

Peace out
Random Quirky Girl x

Thursday, 25 October 2012

Dating Little Boy Blue

So, I have been on two dates with Blue Eye Boy (BeB) and thought a blog was due. Now, normally I am not cautious when blogging, as I know the guy won't end up reading it, so I can't really offend him. With BeB it is different as he knows about my blog and has also read some of the entries. He also knows I will be blogging about him and on the surface he is fine with it. So, with that in mind, I better not be too critical of him or there might not be a third date. He will only text me anyway telling me I am an "asshat". (Apparently this is an insult :S I had never heard of it before and even when he explained it to me, it didn't make sense. But I have been called a lot worse in the past, so I won't complain too much).

So it was decided for our first date that we would go for a few cocktails in Cardiff and get to know one another a little better. BeB thought it would be a fun idea to keep the venue a surprise. Now, like a lot of people out there, I hate surprises. So I asked for a clue to the bar we were going to. I got the clue "the name uses alliteration". Time to get into detective mode. I adopted my Sherlock Holmes hat and magnifying glass in hand I entered 'Bars in Cardiff' into google search and a website popped up with a list of every bar in the Cardiff area. Well that was easier than I thought! Starting alphabetically, I worked my way through the list, sending my guesses to him. However, none of them were right. Cue my puzzled face and onset wrinkles as I pondered over what it could be. Then, as I was falling asleep that night "Pica Pica" came to mind and as it turned out, this night premonition proved to be the location of our first date. I was relieved to find out where we were going just to make sure I dressed appropriately. There is nothing worse than walking into a nice place and looking very out of place. So we met at Cardiff Central.. and he was late. Considering I had to travel into Cardiff and he was already in Cardiff, you think he would have been on time! (Although in fairness I missed the first train by a minute so might have been 20 minutes late myself.... but still, you should never keep a lady waiting). So we wondered over to Pica Pica and straight away the banter started. He was instantly easy to be around. As we arrived at Pica Pica we had a minute to spare before happy hour cocktails ended. So we took advantage of this and ordered two cocktails - a dirty sanchez and a french martini - quite girly looking in a cosmo glass. (http://www.picapicacardiff.com/index2.html for the full menu). Now like a gentleman, BeB paid for the drinks. Normally, the mini feminist in me would have objected to his paying for them, but she was surprisingly quiet and just let him do it. She must have been having an off day or something as normally there is no stopping her, or maybe I am just mellowing in my old age. So we grabbed a table and got chatting. It was just so effortless with him. We spoke about everything and anything. Even him being homeless (sorry had to include it as it still makes me laugh). He isn't really homeless. He just had to move back home whilst the paperwork on his flat is being completed. But I was a very nice date and offered to lend him my super cool Cath Kidston stripey teepee tent so he would be a stylish hobo, but he declined. I think it was the fact that the flag got stolen in Reading Festival 2010 that stopped him going for it :( sad times. Anyway, I digress. So it was decided another round was in order before I had to head home. I got to choose again and this time I ordered a Zombie, just because it sounded cool. This time I went up to pay, but he stopped me and went over to charm the bar lady into making us more cocktails. I was getting quite tipsy at this point, so I was quite conscious about going from tipsy to drunk as I am a bit of a light weight. Also I don't think it is makes a very good impression being drunk on a first date... unless the date is horrific and it is the only way to get through it. However, the date was going well and I wanted to remember it. Then the Zombie happened! I do not know what it was about this drink, but walking back to the train station, I realised I was quite drunk. Maybe it was mixing all the different spirits, but this one was destroying my tipsy state, so much so that I had the worst headache on the way home and I swear the train was spinning at one point. Either that or BeB slipped something into my drink ... he has the potential to be shifty like that. Anyway, it was time for me to head home and BeB walked me back to the station. After a brief hug, I zig zagged back to the train platform. Before we parted he asked me for a second date and I told him he had to read my blog to find out my answer. Now we all know that I am a pretty rubbish blogger for posting, so the next day I put him out of his misery and agreed to a second date.

So, the second date was pretty similar to that of Skater Boy and we went to the cinema. Now, you would have thought I would have learnt from my mistakes and chosen the film this time, but yet again I let the man decide. However, this time I was crafty and booked our tickets in advance (mainly so I could pay for them :D, the feminist was more switched on this time). So we made our way to Cineworld to see the film "Looper" and in fairness it was a pretty good film. Although, there was a bit where a hobo came out of the long grass and I was weak with laughter for about 15 minutes, which made BeB sulk like a little girl. Men can be so funny about being laughed at for being a hobo. Anyway, I did my usual cinema test and waited to see if he would make a move. Beforehand, he had joked that he would do the yawn and lean move on me during the film. Sadly, he wussed out and didn't do it (although it would have probably set me off laughing again at the sheer cheesiness of the move, so maybe it was a good thing). However, he did make a move. About half way through the movie he started to fidget and the next thing I knew, his hand had rested on my arm, which led to holding hands and him playing with my friendship bracelet on my wrist (which broke today after 2 and a half years on my wrist, so I am totally blaming him for weakening it). It may sound really teenage and gooey, but that gesture was much more romantic than if he had gone in for a grand gesture. It is the little things that count I think. After the movie we decided to head down the Bay to the Red Dragon Centre for a game of pool and air hockey before he dropped me home. (This was another small gesture that meant a lot as dropping me home was just adding to his already long journey back to Ebbw Vale). He beat me at pool, but I whooped his ass at air hockey, so I left feeling a bit smug. On the drive home the chatter continued and he pointed out his old and new flat down the Bay and it was all just so relaxed. Now, I am not the best person when it comes to directions and I had warned him I would probably end up getting us lost on the way home, but when it came down to it, it was the route home from Chepstow, so I knew it pretty well from window gazing when Mum drove home. However, BeB didn't believe me and actually got his iPhone 5 out and double checked. This did not impress me as it was just drive straight like I kept saying. Man points were deducted for that! So after getting home with my faultless directions, we pulled up outside mine and shared a cheeky goodbye kiss. However, it was a bit hurried as what he didn't know was that I was busting for the loo, so it must have seemed like I was running away straight after the kiss, but it was either leave or pee myself and I knew which one I could live with more. However, I walked/ran through the door with a massive smile on my face and after a quick loo stop had an inquisition from my Mum and Moo about my date.

So we have been texting again now for the past week and a preliminary third date has been set for this Saturday. However, things have seemed a little weird between us since the second date. I can't really explain why, but there is this weird vibe when we text, but that could just be me reading into something that isn't there. So this third date, I suppose will determine whether there is something actually there or not. I quite like him, but there is still that insecure little voice at the back of my mind warning me not to get hurt by another guy. Although, after reading this I might find myself back in the sea with all the other fish. Then I won't have to worry about anything apart from turning into a crazy cat lady. (This is not far off as I have a rocking chair, I can knit (kind of) and I get my kitten Millie on Sunday so the dream could be a reality soon :p )
Peace Out
Random Quirky Girl x

Saturday, 29 September 2012

He was a Sk8er Boi, she said see you later boy...

Now Skater Boy and I got chatting to on Hot or Not. I have been a member of this site since I was 17, as me and Miss Koko thought it would be an interesting social experiment to see if a slutty profile (mine) or an innocent profile (hers) would get the most hits and attention. Even back in school we were too curious for our own good! Anyway that is another story...

So since deciding to see what online dating is like, I re-en stated my account to check out what the people were like on there. I updated the photos and the about me and waited to see if anyone was interested. Within the first 24 hours me and Skater Boy got chatting. I think we were chatting non-stop until 5am, although I didn't notice the time until an email came through on my phone and I noticed the time on that. It was crazy. Although I think the two cups of coffee I had drunk after 3pm, was one of the reasons I was so wide awake. I had never felt such an ease or an instant connection with a guy like I had with him. I was actually excited the next night to chat to him. So the next night came and went and so did the non-stop chatter. So I bit the bullet and messaged him my number. It was a spur of the moment thing, but it just felt right. Then came the waiting for him to text and my god did he make me wait. It wasn't until the evening of the next day that I got a message from him. I thought he wasn't interested in me, so had put him to the back of my mind, but I was super excited when I received his text. Now like stated in the song, we couldn't be more different. He is still a full on skater boy in looks and lifestyle. And I am more quirky and girly with my fashion sense. He is into cars, skating and hanging out at his friends houses until the early morning and I like shopping, reading and going for coffee with friends. However, despite our differences there was something about him. Well, they do say opposites attract after all. So after a few weeks of texting back and for and getting to know each other more, we arranged our first date.

So, for our first date we arranged to meet in my hometown and go for a walk and a chat. I was quite nervous in the morning as we weren't meeting until the afternoon, so I took the opportunity to make the most of the morning to get ready and make myself look pretty, well not Barbie pretty, but scruffy me pretty. We arranged to meet on the sea front, as it was a pretty easy location for him to find. I left the house early and I was going to call in on Miss Koko in work, for some a last minute pep talk, but I ended up bumping into Skater Boy instead. He had gotten off the bus at the wrong stop and was aimlessly walking around hoping to bump into me. I also got a bbm from Miss Koko saying she had seen him walk past the shop and he didn't seem bad looking from what she saw. God bless technology and your best friend rating the guy before you have even met him. So we went on this epic walk to the beach and all around the town. We talked about anything and everything and it was easy being in his company. So after he left, I went round Miss Koko's for a girly post-date gossip. I was quite excited for our second date :)

So a week later our second date was confirmed. We decided on a cinema date after I finished work. We had been texting all day and he had very gallantly told me he was paying for our entire date. Now I am not the type of girl to have a guy pay for the entire date. I always believe in 50/50 or I'll pay for it all. I can be a stubborn feminist when I want to be o:) But I do like it when a guy offers. If nothing else it shows he is not tight with his money. However, in the end, I gave my feminist half a night off and I let him pay for the cinema tickets. Apparently, male pride gets very dented if you don't let a man pay. My only condition to him paying, was that he also had to pick the film. This was a way of stopping us standing there for ages trying to decide. He opted for 'Total Recall'. BAD CHOICE! The film was awful! It should have been renamed "Total Crap". So we chose our seats and settled down to wait for the film to start. I know I shouldn't, but whenever I am in the cinema I can't help but put my feet up on the seats if no one is sitting in front of me. So I was sitting there, feet up and waiting for the film to start, when Skater Boy turns to me and points out that I have very small feet. Now, I might not be the tallest of girls, but I have size 6 feet, so I like to think that that is a standard girl shoe size. It is certainly the shoe size that sells out fastest in shops. However, I was starting to see a pattern developing, as on our first date we were walking and he suddenly comes out with, "you're quite short aren't you". I am 5ft 4!!!! Not that tall, but not that short either. His charm technique really needs to be worked on :P So back to the terrible film. It was dull and boring and at one point I was tempted to sneak in a cheeky nap, but he caught me. Although he thought I was crying, not attempting to have a snooze. I admitted the film was terrible and he did say we could leave. But I was determined to see this film out. Plus I was curious to see if he would make a move. I'm afraid to say he didn't. Not even the old stretch and yawn technique. I was quite disappointed. When the film finished I had to head for the train home, so we walked to the station together. My train didn't come in for another 15 minutes so we sat on the station platform chatting some more. When it was time to say goodbye, we hugged and departed. Still no attempt to make a move on me. Now I know it can work both ways, but I am an old fashioned girl in that respect and think the guy should make the first move. Even if it was just hand holding walking back to the station, it would have been something. Now Skater Boy is quite shy, so I wasn't expecting to be swept off my feet, like the women in old black and white films, but I did kind of expect a quick peck on the lips. I think it was at that point I realised the initial spark was starting to fizzle out.

We continued to text for a few more weeks, but the spark seemed to be there less and less. He is an amazing guy and will treat any lady like a Princess, of that I am sure, but we were just not suited in the end. We have said we will stay friends and I hope we do, as he is such a nice guy and can easily make me laugh, but just not my Prince Charming to sweep this Princess off her feet :P

Peace Out
Random Quirky Girl x

Wednesday, 26 September 2012

The Story so far...

..... So I have been internet dating now for roughly two months and what a roller coaster it is becoming!
From BDSM and threesome invites, to men going off on one even before the date has even been set, it is certainly an eye opener into the world of internet dating.

Now internet dating seems to have quite a bad reputation in people's minds, as being a place to basically arrange sex with strangers.And whilst I have had some sexual offers suggested to me, the majority of men on there seem to genuinely be looking to date and eventually get into a relationship with someone. If you tell someone you are signed up to a dating website, you get a sort of 'poor thing' look from them. It is like you have exhausted attempting to date in the real world and you are now resorting to finding someone to date using the virtual realm. Some crazy cat lady spinster, who is so unlucky in love she has to resort to dating webistes like a sad act. However, more and more people are meeting through internet sites and lasting longer than those who haven't. If you think about it though, how is it that different from meeting someone on a night out? You are both strangers, but after chatting for a while you exchange numbers and then hope they text you the next day. Well with internet dating you get to know someone, exchange numbers and then arrange a date. Only difference is you're going in slightly blind to who they are. Although social networking websites reveal a lot about a person before you meet them. Sometimes can work to the potential dates disadvantage.I never add someone to my personal facebook account until a date is on the cards. It is doing marvels to my twitter account though! My followers are gradually going up. Anything to plug this blog I suppose :P

I was thinking the other day, (very dangerous now I am blonde), that internet dating is like an interview process. The dating profile is like you CV. After initially judging the person on their picture, (which, lets face it, looks are the first thing that will attract you to someone), you scroll down to read about them. After weighing up whether the profile appeals to you, you will either send a message to them, or will have received a message from them. Then after a few messages back and for, sussing them out, (the interview process), you will decide whether to commit to a date or not (securing the job). Maybe it is just me who can see the comparisons. Wouldn't be the first time I've thought something that no one else has agreed with o:) My friend Computer Geek proved my theory about the importance of a good profile though. I made a bet with him that, if he could get 5 girls to contact him, he would have to buy me a My Little Pony. A few weeks after we made the bet, he had only 2 people message him. I couldn't understand why he was getting such a low response rate. Then I saw his profile! His pictures were allof him with a pint in his hand, making him look like an alcoholic and his description was him waffling on about unimportant things.So after a few tweaks to his profile and making his description less boring, he is now getting a lot more messages and even a few phone numbers. RESULT! And I got a pink My Little Pony toy with rainbow hair :D I called her Princess Sparkle.

Whilst I have spoken to a lot of guys on there, only two have progressed to the phone number stage with me: Skater Boy and Blue Eyed Boy. I went on two dates with Skater Boy and whilst he is one of the good guys out there, it just didn't work out, (there is a blog about this to follow).  Blue Eyed Boy on the other hand has me intrigued. He is funny, feisty and good looking and we are going to go on our first date hopefully this Sunday. Also, Miss Koko has stalked his facebook page and cannot find anything bad about him either. It is weird, that even though we haven't met, there seems to be a spark between us that I haven't felt with anyone, since the BFG. He just seems to get me. It could all be an act of course, but my highly built defences seem to have dropped loads where he is concerned and, as my friends can vouch, this is a pretty big thing to happen to me. I have become fond of the defence I built up and for it to have been lowered so easily, with someone I have yet to meet is scary. Alike with Skater Boy, I have been able to be my complete self when conversing with Blue Eyed Boy. And so far the crazy hasn't scared him off. Lets just hope that we hit it off in reality, or it will be back to the drawing board and a massive glass of wine and a watching of Bridget Jones's Diary to remind me that spinsters can find love too.

So, for anyone thinking about online dating but unsure about it, I think you should go for it! You have nothing to lose and if nothing else you will have great stories of terrible dates and amusing messages from people to share with friends over a glass of wine. You also get to chat to and potentially meet some great guys and have fun going on dates. Or if they do not appeal to you, you just don't reply to their messages. However, always make sure you are safe when going on blind dates. I keep joking with Blue Eyed Boy that I am going to bring mace and a rape alarm on our date. But in reality, it is a pretty smart idea just in case :P

Peace Out
Random Quirky Girl x

Monday, 10 September 2012

Someone has been taking 50 Shades of Grey too seriously...

Now for anyone who has used Plenty of Fish, the general consensus seems to be that it is just a sex site. Whilst this can be the case for some people, (I have been asked to join in in two threesomes, two dominatrix have asked to "corrupt" me and one guy told me last night that I need to invest in a helmet, as he is going to put me through the headboard), there are some genuinely amazing guys on there too. So don't be put off by the odd guy pushing his luck to see if you will sleep with him. I have spoken to some amazing guys and I feel they need to be defended, as they are on there for genuine romantic reasons, rather than a quick 'how's your father' and you will never hear from them again.

However, when looking at guys profiles on the site, quite a few are buying into the 50 shades character 'Christian Grey', using it as their profile names, occupations and even putting it in their 'about me'. Now I have read the 50 Shades trilogy and I can't say I was overly impressed with them. The sex scenes were ridiculous and by the third book I just skipped them as they started to get boring. It was like I was becoming desensitised to the "kinky" sex scenes and wishing the writer would just get on with the story, rather than padding out the book with yet another sex scene. Speaking to some of my friends who have also read the books, they tended to agree with me. Whilst the character of Christian Grey can seem appealing to a woman, I mean he is described as being incredibly good looking and rich to boot - he is just that, a fictional character in a book. But men seem to be under the impression that these books have inspired women to be sexual deviants. Whilst there may have been an increase in women looking into a bdsm kind of lifestyle after reading the books, I still think these women are in the minority and rather than the majority.

So the first dom to message me was really polite about it. He asked me if I had ever thought of getting into a bdsm relationship and answered my questions about how he got started in that lifestyle. He didn't badger me when I rejected his offer and was just very polite. I'm sure it is a different matter in the bedroom though :P

The second dom was a little more persistant. He said he wanted to corrupt me as I looked like a good girl and it would be amazing to spank me. I decided again to question him and have a bit of fun at the same time. NOT in that way, just by being a little bit cheeky and sarcastic with my responses. Here is an extract of some of our messages:

Me: So how does this sub/ dom thing normally work then? x

Dom: It intrigues you? I would ld be discreet. Don't be shy x

Me: Not really, but in order to get the full picture of the kind of thing you are into it would be rude not to ask x

Dom: Ha true. I'm not some crazy kinky nut job. I'm easy going and laid back. Good fun, but I do have some kinks, I like the idea of corrupting someone like yourself, discreetly of course. Do as I say behind closed doors, although any boundaries and no go areas would be discussed prior to any "play". Google bdsm. X

Me: Do I look like I need corrupting then? x

Dom: Perhaps, you may think you don't but you're probably a little naive. I have experience, would love to open your eyes to the potential excitement the lifestyle brings. It wouldn't be full on btw, I lead a busy life and have other interests, I'm just kinky x

Me: Well if I ever decide to open my eyes to the world of bdsm then I will be sure to let you know x

Dom: I would love to train and corrupt you, turn you into a bad girl. Are you a good girl?

               I'd treat you well, but also punish you. Spanking you would be delicious x

Me: yeah but I bruise really easily so this wouldn't work out well for me x

Ok so the formatting isn't aligning properly, but you get the jist. More messages were exchanged but unfortunately, our conversations have now stopped as I wouldn't give him my number.  It always amused me getting a new message from him though. I never knew what he would come out with next. I don't think I would make a very good sub though, as I hate being told what to do and as far as I can tell that is the whole point of being a submissive. So I won't be playing the Ana Steele to his Christian Grey scenario. But I am sure there are women out there who will do, so I doubt he will be playing alone for long...

Peace Out
Random Quirky Girl x

Tuesday, 4 September 2012

Curls, Curls, Curls, I just can't say no!

Now this guy was someone I was actually in University with, (but he didn't remember me, but in fairness people from school don't often recognise me, so I can forgive him that), but we ended up reconnecting on Plenty of Fish. If you can't guess by the title I am going to call him 'Curls' and yes it is because he has curly hair, which he is very proud of.

Now Curls seemed like an awesome guy. As I actually knew that his pictures were him, having sat across from him in criminology tutorials, I knew I wasn't talking to a 50 year old computer geek, messaging me from him Mother's basement. So after a week or so of messaging back and for, he proposed meeting up. He seemed fun and flirty, so I was quite excited to see if the banter was there in reality, or if it was a case of confidence due to hiding behind the mask of modern technology. So we decided to go to a student pub in Cardiff and all that was left was deciding a day.

This is where it all started to go wrong. On the Friday, Curls went on a night out with his friends in Bristol and for the next few days there was no contact. I don't really tend to chase guys and text them all the time when getting to know someone, so I left it to him to get in touch. He did the following Tuesday, accusing me of ignoring him. I pointed out it worked both ways and things got back into the flirty banter again. However, he raised meeting up again in the next few days. I replied that I wasn't sure when I was free as my 5 year old Cousin was down from London, so I'd be spending some time with her and that I couldn't state a day there and then. He went MAD! Said I was wasting his time and that he wasn't going to bother with me anymore.... Fair enough and that was the last I thought I would hear from him.

How WRONG was I! Was just popping onto Plenty of Fish one night to reply to some messages and a message from him pops up. I'd been honest with him from the start that I was on the site in order to blog about my experiences on there. So after he enquired as to why I was still on there, a little bit of conversation started to flow. He had originally deleted his account when we started talking and so I asked him how come he had reinstated it. He said it was due to boredom and he hadn't met anyone nice. Then he accused me of being mean when it was going so well between us. I read the last bit wrong and replied about that I'd been on a date with someone and because I wanted him to leave me alone I may have invented two more dates. I know it was wrong of me to do that, but I didn't want to waste his time talking to him anymore. He then accused me of being an attention seeking slut! First time I have ever been called that and I laughed soooo hard, especially when telling my friends about it later on. I may have antagonised him a little after that by telling him I WAS a massive slut and he had had a lucky escape. Wasn't the smartest thing to do, but after being accused of being a slut, my sarcastic side took over! If he hadn't had his little freak out about me not knowing my availability, then maybe we'd be on our second or third date by now, but it just wasn't meant to be.

Curls, if you're reading this I genuinely wish you no hard feelings. I just can't deal with people accusing me of being things that I am not. I hope you do meet a nice girl and someone who appreciates your curly locks.

Peace Out
Random Quirky Girl x

Wednesday, 29 August 2012

All the Single Ladies...

So I have been a very lazy blogger recently and I would like to apologise for that. Whilst my written word has been silent, I have been busily researching a direction in which to take my blog...

It is actually due to my trip to Norway with Miss Red Star, Miss Burlesque and Miss Wayne's World, that I got the inspiration in which I shall be blogging about from now on. I will still add random ones as and when I think about them, but for the time being this new plan will be the main focus of my blog. I can hear you thinking, "what the fuck is she rabbiting on about, just get on with it already", but all, my dear reader, is about to be revealed :)

So myself and the girls were chilling out round the dinner table in Norway after another successful food -poison free meal, (I am known to food poison people easily with my cooking skills), with glasses full of wine and discussing some horrendous dating experiences. In fairness, we all seemed to have it easy compared to Miss Burlesque. She had some crackers. For example, on a date with an accountant, (who kept dropping in to conversation that he made £80,000 after tax, yet still lived at home with his parents), he ended up asking to split the bill with her. She had had wine (something which I think was necessary to get through the night with him) and he did not, so he felt it was only fair to pay for what they had actually had. The bill was £25 in total for the two of them!!!!! Major cheapskate if you ask me. I am all for equality etc. but when you have spent the night bragging about your earnings, rather ungentlemanly, then I think it is only fair that you pay. Another example of one of her dating disasters was when she was texting this guy to meet up and he text her one day to say that he was signed off work for a week and intended to spend his time furiously masturbating in his room. He then wondered why she wasn't interested anymore.... So the question had to be asked how she was meeting all these weirdos. She replied - online dating. It was a light bulb moment (ironically my nickname on that trip, light bulb not moment) and I thought that this was something I could get involved with and blog about. Now I haven't really done Miss Burlesque's horror dates justice, as at the time we were all weak with laughter, but If I tried to recreate the story telling, it would be too long for the blog. But as a single lady, I thought it could be fun blogging about my experiences in the realm of online dating.

When I got home, I signed up to Plenty of Fish (as this was the site Miss Burlesque used) and updated a very, very old Hot or Not profile. And my god has it been an eye opening experience. I have so far been offered 2 threesomes, 2 bdsm invitations, (apparently I look like the type of girl to be corrupted according to this one guy. I just think he has believed the 50 shades hype too much), a lesbian tried to get me to bat for a more female only team and just general sleazeballs. However, I must also note that I have spoken to some genuinely nice men on there too. Although, if another man opens with the line, "Hi, I just wanted to let you know how beautiful you are", I may vomit! Be more original as I am not the kind of girl who is easily flattered by compliments.

So for now I aim to blog about my experiences :) This experiment could turn out to be a total disaster and I'll go back to just chatting shit, but as a single lady this could be a bit of fun to spice up my rather dull life and who knows - I could just meet the 'one'! Yeah I got the giggles at this thought to!!!

Peace Out
Random Quirky Girl x

Wednesday, 1 August 2012

Just a quickie...

... to say I am sorry for not having blogged in the last month. Things have been mega hectic at work, at home and generally in life. We moved half the shop to a new location in order to expand, only to have to move it back a week later due to irrational business bitch issues with the new business partner. Then I went to Norway with my ladies and had lots of r and r (blog on Norway to follow) and now I am in full on summer cold mode, so can only be motivated to reach a tissue up to my nose to blow and place it back down again. I am feeling very sorry for myself as you can tell. But I can assure, those of you that care, (and I hope there is more than just my imaginary friend reading this) that by the end of this week I will have a new blog up!

So until then here is a cute picture of my cat hiding on top of the microwave to keep you going:

Peace out !
Random Quirky Girl x

Saturday, 2 June 2012

Remain very still or you may scare it off...

So summer appears to have been and gone and with it so does the rationality of the British public. From women in scantily clad clothing, (some who really should have covered up more! Think of the people!) and men competing in an invisible Hawaiian shirt contest for the title of ‘tackiest shirt’, the British public appears to have gone gaga for the sunny spell we had last week. Not that I can blame them of course. I was unfortunate enough to be stuck in work for most of last week, so I could not take full advantage of the sun’s rays, not that I was bitter about that or anything.... But on my days off I was to be found in the garden, with a book, some sun cream (as I always try to sunbathe responsibly! That and the fact that I got my sperm donors pale genes, which means I burn mega easily) and an endless supply of peach squash, worshipping the sun with the rest of the UK. Not that you can tell! My legs are still a nice shade of white, my feet just look slightly dirty and I have a faint brown vest shape mark on my chest. All in all NOT a good two days attempting to absorb the sun’s rays. I would attempt to cheat with some fake tan, but the last time I used fake tan on my legs the results was very... bright. I was going to a Baywatch themed pub crawl (back in my uni days) and I decided that I couldn’t go out in my red hot pants and pub crawl tee with bright white legs, so I thought that I’d use fake tan to give them that sun kissed colour they so badly needed.  What I had failed to realise was that it was a gradual build tan. So by 9pm and after two glasses of wine with the girls, I was confused as to why my legs weren’t that brown.... so I put another coating on! To say I gave the Umpa Lumpa’s a run for their money in the orange stakes is a massive understatement!!!!! Throughout the night I just turned different shades of orange! You can actually mark the time frame of the night (based on the photos taken), due to the shade of my skin. When I went back into work on the following Monday, a colleague asked me if I had been on holiday over the weekend.  How anyone can think that orange is a natural skin colour is beyond me. In fairness though I had also turned up to this place of work with yellow and green tinges to my skin from face paint, due to themed nights out, so I suppose that anything was possible. So needless to say I have learnt my lesson the hard way on the fake tan front.

I was lucky growing up, to have the beach practically on my doorstep. Many a summer was spent down the beach either at lifeguards, (yes, this anti-exercise person was a lifeguard for a couple of years in my youth! What can I say? I was young and naive), or sunbathing and making up dance routines in the sea with my friends, (not one of my finest moments, thrashing around to ‘I’m a survivor’ by Destiny Child! Mega cringe).  Although, this did spoil me when we went on family holidays abroad! I was never interested in a trip to the beach, I would much rather frolic around the pool or go and visit day markets and see what nick knacks I could pick up. I went on a girly holiday to Gran Canaria three years ago, with two other girls from home and another from London. Whilst myself and the Porthcawl girls couldn’t see the fascination with a day on the beach, the Londoner was in her element when we relented and went to the beach for the day. To us it was just the same as back home, just with less rain. I suppose it is true what they say – you don’t miss what you have got. Regardless, I have many happy memories from my youth which revolve around the beach. Just last week me and the gang took advantage of the weather and went for a coffee down on the seafront and the smell of the salty air took us all back to our beach days. The smell that lingered on your skin and in your hair, long after you had left the beach and the noisy seagulls scrounging for the leftovers of people’s sandy picnic lunches. I think this is a smell that will forever remind me of my more innocent days. But, I also seemed to be able to tan a lot easier when I was younger too! I was talking to Miss Koko about my inability to tan my legs and she agreed that it did seem easier when we were younger to tan. Whether it was just because we were constantly out in the sun getting up to no good made it easier to tan, or the fact that with age our skin has just naturally got paler (something I personally blame on the change in climate to constantly grey skies), as we have both got older, it seems harder for us to catch a tan. I will still battle on to acquire a natural tan for my white legs! I will not be beaten by genetics, but may have to find a way around the lack of sun right now....

So I hope we haven’t had the last of our very British summer as I haven’t even been able to delve properly into my very crammed wardrobe and dig out all my summer clothes. These clothes deserve a chance to be worn surely and give my winter clothes a much needed rest. So keep your fingers and toes crossed, do as many sun dances as you can fit into your day and try and stock up on sun cream in an attempt to persuade the nice weather to have an encore. If it works for bands, boosting their egos until they come back on stage,  then surely the weather has to follow suit too?

Peace Out
Random Quirky Girl x